The Walks of the High Shady Hills and  Clear Hills - Leg 10: Viarigi - Scurzolengo

The Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills - Leg 10: Viarigi - Scurzolengo


The Walks of the High Shady Hills and  Clear Hills - Leg 10: Viarigi - Scurzolengo
The route connects Viarigi with Scurzolengo, passing through Montemagno, Castagnole Monferrato and Refrancore.
On the way you can see beautiful landscapes, fascinating architectures and vineyards. Barbera,  Grignolino and Ruchè are typical red wines produced in this area.

The point of departure of this leg is located at the cemetery of Viarigi. Go up the slope towards the church of Gombo, which is the first hill west Viarigi. When you are here, go straight ahead for about 2 km on a path of farmlands, fields, woods, hazelnut groves, and vineyards. You get to the village of Montemagno. The road intersects with SP 14. Go past it, take the dirt road and go straight ahead for 150 metres before passing through fields and woods for 300 metres. Take SP 29 towards Castagnole Monferrato, passing by the square of Montemagno where many matches of ball game tamburello (typical sport of Monferrato popular in spring and summer) are played. The very old castle with an irregular plan, an elliptical courtyard, and Ghibelline swallow-tail battlements reigns proudly over the square.

The route towards Castagnole Monferrato continues on a parallel road to Strada Provinciale.  Take Via Rinetti Dottore and go straight for 100 metres, then turn right into Via Santa Croce and go ahead for 1.500 m on a paved road that becomes dirt and is surrounded by nature. You come to the intersection with Strada Provinciale, which connects Montemagno with Castagnole. Castagnole Monferrato is the village of Ruchè, a DOCG red wine produced from one of the rarest vines of Monferrato, probably brought by monks from Bourgogne. This is a wine for special occasions, linked to the most beautiful moments of life. It has always been offered to important people and beloved ones.

Go past the pharmacy, in the direction towards Asti, after 50 metres turn right into Via Guglielmo Marconi and go straight for about 1.200 m. Pass through the grove on the right, then go straight for 800 metres towards the hamlet of Calcini. Go up the slope until reaching the municipality of Migliandolo di Portacomaro and go along the ridge of Scurzolengo. This route is particularly scenic. In fact, on the way there are farmlands, woods, hazelnut groves, and vineyards. Go down the valley of Mole and go up until reaching Scurzolengo. This stop ends in the proximity of the chapel of San Giuseppe in Via Martiri della Libertà.

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The Walks of the High Shady Hills and  Clear Hills - Leg 11: Scurzolengo - Calliano Monferrato

The Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills - Leg 11: Scurzolengo - Calliano Monferrato

Scurzolengo is one of the cities awarded with the Bronze Medal for Military Value for its partisan activity during World War II.

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The Walks of the High Shady Hills and  Clear Hills - Leg 12: Calliano Monferrato - Castell'Alfero

The Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills - Leg 12: Calliano Monferrato - Castell'Alfero

The municipality of Calliano Monferrato separates Valle Versa from Valle Grana; on its territory are present remarkable architectural monuments such as the romanic church of San Pietro dating back to 11th century and the parish church complex that hosts many paintings. 

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The Walks of the High Shady Hills and  Clear Hills - Leg 13: Castell'Alfero - Frinco

The Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills - Leg 13: Castell'Alfero - Frinco

Castell’Alfero, located in Basso Monferrato, is a village known for being the place where Giovanni Battista de Rolandis, the man who conceived the Italian flag, was born; but also for Gianduja, the carnival mask that is the symbol of Piedmont. The village offers tourists and cyclotourists the opportunity to visit the castle of Earls Amico, the museum of peasant life named “Il Ciar”, the churches of Castell’Alfero and Callianetto, the small house of Gianduja, the rose garden “Sorpresa” with more than 500 ancient roses in Serra Perno.

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Cammini delle Alte Colline Ombrose e delle Colline Chiare (The walks of the high shady hills and clear hills)

Cammini delle Alte Colline Ombrose e delle Colline Chiare (The walks of the high shady hills and clear hills)

The trail named Cammini delle Alte Colline Ombrose e delle Colline Chiare (literally: the walks of the high shady hills and clear hills) is a long itinerary in 13 legs that winds its way through the upper Asti area, taking us on a journey to discover the most authentic Monferrato. 

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The Walk of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills - Leg 1: Frinco - Chiusano d'Asti

The Walk of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills - Leg 1: Frinco - Chiusano d'Asti

An evocative panoramic view of the villages of Corsione, Villa San Secondo, and Montechiaro d’Asti aligned among hills northwest.

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The Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills - Leg 2: Chiusano d'Asti - Soglio

The Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills - Leg 2: Chiusano d'Asti - Soglio

Standing in the woods, Chiusano d'Asti extends round the Nature Reserve of Valle Andona, Valle Botto, and Valle Grande. 

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The Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills - Leg 3: Soglio - Corsione

The Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills - Leg 3: Soglio - Corsione

Seen from a distance, Soglio is recognizable by both the profile of its castle and the surrounding woods.

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The Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills - Leg 4: Corsione - Tonco

The Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills - Leg 4: Corsione - Tonco

The point of departure of this stop is located in the inhabited area of Corsione. It is important to point out the presence of beautiful views and Valleversa farmlands along the way.

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The Walks of the High Shady Hills and  Clear Hills - Leg 5: Tonco - Sanico (Alfiano Natta

The Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills - Leg 5: Tonco - Sanico (Alfiano Natta

The landscape is characterized by the presence of big farmlands together with small farmhouses.

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The Walks of the High Shady Hills and  Clear Hills - Leg 6: Sanico (Alfiano Natta) - Moncalvo

The Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills - Leg 6: Sanico (Alfiano Natta) - Moncalvo

When you are in Sanico go down Via San Pietro for about 90 metres, then take the first dirt road on the left. 

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Randonnées dans les collines ombragées et les collines claires - Étape 6A:  Penango Stazione - Grana (jonction de l'étape 7)

Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills: Leg 6A - Penango Stazione - Grana (Leg 7 Junction)

From the municipality of Sanico go down Via San Pietro for about 90 metres, then take the first dirt road on the left. After 250 metres, turn right and pass through the farmlands for about 600 metres. Keep going until you reach the paved road, in Molino towards Penango.

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Randonnées dans les collines ombragées et les collines claires - Étape 6A:  Penango Stazione - Grana (jonction de l'étape 7)

Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills: Leg 7: Moncalvo - Grana Monferrato

Moncalvo is known in the Monferrato area for being the smallest city of Italy. In the historic centre, which is the access to the medieval suburb, there are narrow streets, stairways, steep slopes, imposing buildings, and craft shops.  

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Randonnées dans les collines ombragées et les collines claires - Étape 8 : Grana Monferrato - Casorzo Monferrato

Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills: Leg 8: Grana Monferrato - Casorzo

The point of departure is located in the historic centre of the village of Grana Monferrato, in the proximity of the church of Annunziata, placed near the parish that often hosts important art exhibitions.

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The Walks of the High Shady Hills and  Clear Hills - Leg 9:  Casorzo Monferrato - Viarigi

The Walks of the High Shady Hills and Clear Hills - Leg 9: Casorzo Monferrato - Viarigi

The point of departure of this stop is located in Casorzo Monferrato, a village set on top of a hill at 275 m of altitude. It is situated on the border of the province of Alessandria, where the main features of the scenery are vineyards. In fact, its economy is primarily based on agricolture with a particular attention to the cultivation of the grapevine, basic to Malvasia wine production. The population of Casorzo has very ancient origins that date back to Celtic times; Plinio Casurciulli brought together some cheesemakers for defending the village. After him the names Casurcium or Casurtium.

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PLEASE NOTE: Responsibility for the maintenance and practicability of the various trails lies with the municipalities where the routes are located. The Tourist Board, therefore, cannot be held responsible for any inefficiencies, but is willingly available to collect your reports so that they can be forwarded to the authorities concerned.

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