Yoga in the Vineyard
Langhe, Monferrato, Roero

Yoga in the Vineyard

Outdoors & Nature

Yoga in the Vineyard
Yoga, an ancient noble art, has always been synonymous with well-being and harmony, a sporting and spiritual activity that has numerous benefits on both the body and the mind: the breeze supports the breath, the sun warms the muscles making them more flexible, the perfume of earth and grass reconnects with creation.

IMG 0787 Redux
Torre Di Barbaresco Yoga Credits Mikael Masoero Archivio Ente Turismo LMR (11) Mod

Practicing yoga in the hills of Langhe Monferrato Roero, immersed in unique landscapes, among the vineyards of the most famous wines in the world, surrounded by enveloping nature, is a unique and unmissable experience.

A myriad of nuances and suggestions will envelop your search for balance, serenity and inner peace: body, spirit and all your chakras will thank you.
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