Germinale - Monferrato Art Fest

Germinale - Monferrato Art Fest

21 septembre 2024
Culture, Exposition d’Art, Top Event

Germinale - Monferrato Art Fest
Calliano Monferrato
Cocconato D'Asti
Grana Monferrato
Montiglio Monferrato
Piova Massaia

From September 6 to 29, 2024, prepare to immerse yourselves in a unique artistic experience amidst the evocative hills of the Basso Monferrato. Germinale - Monferrato Art Fest, the annual curated exhibition of contemporary art by Francesca Canfora, bringing to life 12 municipalities with site-specific installations, sculptures, and exhibition projects.

Germinale, like the seventh month of the French Revolutionary calendar, evokes the idea of rebirth and flourishing, perfectly in line with the exhibition's goal: to enhance and promote the territory through contemporary art. Works by 19 established and mid-career artists will enter into dialogue with deconsecrated churches, castles, and other symbolic places, offering new interpretations and stimulating reflection.

In addition to the exhibitions, Germinale offers a rich program of collateral events:

  • Artist residencies: Three emerging artists will have the opportunity to create site-specific works and interact with the local community.
  • Talks, meetings, and walks: In-depth discussions and dialogues with artists and curators to unveil the secrets of the works and the project.
  • Educational workshops: Creative activities for young and old to approach contemporary art in a playful way.

Germinale is not just an art exhibition, but an invitation to discover a territory rich in history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes. An opportunity to immerse oneself in beauty and be inspired by contemporary art.

Exhibition venues and municipalities involved:

  1. Montiglio/Rinco (AT) - Quasi Fondazione Carlo Gloria
  2. Montiglio (AT) - Chiesa di San Lorenzo
  3. Villadeati (AL) - Chiesa di San Remigio
  4. Muritengo (AL) - Chiesa di San Michele
  5. Tonco (AT) - Chiesa di Villa Toso
  6. Frinco (AT) - Casa dell'Architetto
  7. Alfiano Natta (AL) - Castello di Razzano
  8. Cocconato (AT) - QOQQO Atelier e Farmacia
  9. Moncalvo (AT) - Cantina Sette Colli
  10. Alfiano Natta/Cardona (AL) - Chiesa S.Agata
  11. Calliano Monferrato (AT) - ex Chiesa SS. Annunziata
  12. Piovà Massaia (AT) - Ex-cinema
  13. Portacomaro (AT) - Casa dell'Artista
  14. Grana Monferrato(AT) - Prediomagno


More info:

OPENING DAYS: Saturdays and Sundays Sept. 7-8, Sept. 14-15, Sept. 21-22 and Sept. 28-29.

VISITING HOURS: 10:30 A.M. - 1 P.M. / 3 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.

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